Digital SEO Marketing Sunshine Coast - Facebook Ads Lessons to improve your Influence
Digital SEO Marketing Sunshine Coast is not as simple as establishing a website there are of a lot of different Digital SEO Marketing concepts to try and understand yourself as a website owner. It is for this reason I intend to share with you a few lessons that I have found out about Facebook Ads. Why Facebook ads? Because Social media is valuable to Digital SEO Marketing, and because there are a lot of factors about Facebook Ads that I wished I knew when I initially started investing with them. Lesson # 1 - Mobile platforms are key When selecting your platform, don't fall into the trap of selecting just the desktop version. As we all are probably aware, most of Facebook users are young, and younger markets practically only use mobile devices. Recent figures from Facebook indicate that almost 50 % of users under the age of 35 only use a mobile device to access Facebook. Now, it really does depend on your audience, but regardless of whether you are targeting at an o...